Once there was a rich man. He had an orchard. The orchard was rich with the tree of almost all kind of fruits.

The rich man was in need of a sincere caretaker of the orchard, and he was looking for an honest man to took after it. One afternoon a poor man came to the rich man and said,``I did not find any work today . And I have no money to buy my food. But I can never beg for alms. Would you give me some work , Please?” The rich man was pleased with his behaviour. He thought that the man might be the proper man to take care of his orchard. So he made the poor man care-taker of his garden .
The Poor man became vary happy. He took up the job. He began to take care of the garden. He was crrying on his duty very sincerely .

Three Years went by.

One Day some of the rich man’s friends came to see him. It was summer .The mangoes were ripe. The rich man asked the care-taker to pluck some sweet mangoes  for his  friends . The care-taker brought some mangoes. The rich man and his friends started eating the mangoes. But the mangoes tasted sour. They were so sour that none of tham could take any of the mangoes . The rich man asked the care-taker to bring some other sweet mangoes . The care-taker obeyed his master and brought some other mangoes . But these mangoes tasted sour too. Then the rich man got angry and shouted, ``Why did’t you bring the mangoes that are sweet?” The care-taker became  fearful. He humbly replied, ``Si, I don’t  really know which of trees bear sweet fruits and which sour.”
The care-taker’s reply made him more angry. ``You have here for a pretty long time. But you do not know which mangoes are sweet .How’s that?”  Shouted the rich man.      
``How can I know it, Sir?” said the care-taker.

“You have asked me to look after the trees and not to taste their fruits. So I have not tasted a single mango. Why Should I do That?”

The rich man was surprised to hear the reply. He ws much pleased with the poor man and rewarded him for the  honest and sincere work.

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